Hyperbaric Expert
Zayd Ratansi, ND
- A Leading Expert in Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy
- Over 18 years of Hyperbaric experience
- Faculty member of the International Hyperbaric Association
- Lectures and teaches physicians worldwide on the understanding of HBOT
- Trains clinics and physicians on safety and operational standards
- Integrates HBOT within specialty health fields
- Dedicates time for research and scientific support for HBOT
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Personalized Skin Care
- By Prescription only!
- Personalized to you and your skin
- Keep it clean -- limit the amount of preservatives and toxic chemicals
- Only high-end ingredients used
- The results speak for themselves!

Support for YOU
Performing at your Peak Performance
Peak Performance
“Wether you are a high-performing athlete, or someone who wishes to function at the highest level possible” Learn how to integrate natural therapies into your daily regimen alongside your current daily activities. BOOK CONSULTATIONRecovering from a medical condition
Medical Condition
“Being sick can be depressing and can take a toll on the emotional health of your body” It’s time to focus and get back to the basics. Dr. Ratansi can help simplify your BOOK CONSULTATIONStaying healthy and preventing for future illnesses
Preventative Medicine
“Approximately 92% of older adults have at least one chronic disease, and 77% have at least two. Four chronic diseases—heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabete —cause almost two-thirds of all deaths each year” Don’t let age get the best of you. Get a detailed analysis of your body, and more specifically how to reduce your risk factors and live a long, energetic, and healthy life. We call this ‘HEALTHY AGING’ BOOK CONSULTATION